دخترک دارد مجله ورق میزند. به صفحهای میرسد که تبلیغ کرم موبَر است. تمام صفحه عکس پاهای صاف و صوف به ردیف است و تصویر کرم موردنظر کوچک سمت چپ صفحه است.
به من میگوید: مامانجون، میخوام از اینا برات بخرم. (اشاره میکند به پاها)
مطمئن نیستم که متوجه شده است اینها پا هستند؛ چون فقط بخشی از ران وساق هستند. میگویم: این چیه مامانجون؟
میگوید: پائه دیگه. میخوام از این پاها برات بخرم.
میگویم: من که خودم پا دارم.
میگوید: نه، مال تو خوب نیست. مو داره. این پاها خوبه.
انگشت اشارهش را میکشد روی عکس پاها و میگوید: آخی.آخی.آخی. چه نرمه. چه خوبه. از اینا باید برات بخرم مامانجون.
حالا این گفتمانهای فمینیستی که میگویند شیوکردن موهای بدن زن از دستاوردهای جوامع مردسالار است و چون مردها دوست دارند بدن زن اینطور باشد، زن به اینجا رسیده است، بیایند برای من روشن کنند که دختر کمتر از سهساله من که نه تبلیغات تلویزیونی میبیند (چون نداریم) و نه مادرش در حال گفتگو درباره این امور است، از کجا به این نتیجه رسیده است که پاهای من با موهای 2 میلیمتری خوب نیست و ایشان باید برای من پای نرم و خوشگل و بیمو بخرد؟
این را به یکی از دوستانم که خانمی حدودا 46 ساله است، گفتم. خندید و گفت که شعری بوده است قدیمها درباره دخترای زنهای فمینیست که آخر سر چه جور از آب درمیآیند.
شب نرسیده خانهش، شعر و آهنگ را برام ایمیل کرد.
آهنگ را از اینجا میشود گوش داد. این هم از شعرش:
(Nancy White)
Daughters of feminists love to wear pink and white
Short frilly dresses they speak of successes with boys,
It annoys their mom.
Daughters of feminists won't put on jeans
Or that precious construction boot Mama found cute,
Ugly shoes they refuse. How come?
Daughters of feminists think they'll get married
To some wealthy guy who'll support them forever
Daughters of feminists don't bother voting at all.
Daughters of feminists beg to wear lipstick
Each day from the age of three.
Daughters of feminists think that a princess is
What they are destined to be.
How do they get so girlie?
How come they want a Barbie?
Why does it start so early?
Why, when we bring her up just like a fella,
Who does she idolize? Cinderella!
(spoken) Honey she's a doormat. You think when she marries that prince
he's not going to expect her to run that entire castle? ..
Look at all those rooms. And he's always on the road
Snow White? Doing all the housework for seven guys?
In return for room and board. This is no deal. Huh!
Daughters of feminists bruise so easily
Daughters of feminists hurt.
Daughters of feminists curtsey and skip
Daughters of feminists flirt.
They say, "Please mommy can I do the dishes?
And let's make a pie for my brother!"
Are they sincere?
Are they crazy or
Are they just trying to stick it to mother?
How do they get so girlie?
And how come they want a Barbie?
Why does it start so early?
Daughters of feminists just want to play with their toys!
@feminist @child
Copyright Nancy White
(Nancy White)
Daughters of feminists love to wear pink and white
Short frilly dresses they speak of successes with boys,
It annoys their mom.
Daughters of feminists won't put on jeans
Or that precious construction boot Mama found cute,
Ugly shoes they refuse. How come?
Daughters of feminists think they'll get married
To some wealthy guy who'll support them forever
Daughters of feminists don't bother voting at all.
Daughters of feminists beg to wear lipstick
Each day from the age of three.
Daughters of feminists think that a princess is
What they are destined to be.
How do they get so girlie?
How come they want a Barbie?
Why does it start so early?
Why, when we bring her up just like a fella,
Who does she idolize? Cinderella!
(spoken) Honey she's a doormat. You think when she marries that prince
he's not going to expect her to run that entire castle? ..
Look at all those rooms. And he's always on the road
Snow White? Doing all the housework for seven guys?
In return for room and board. This is no deal. Huh!
Daughters of feminists bruise so easily
Daughters of feminists hurt.
Daughters of feminists curtsey and skip
Daughters of feminists flirt.
They say, "Please mommy can I do the dishes?
And let's make a pie for my brother!"
Are they sincere?
Are they crazy or
Are they just trying to stick it to mother?
How do they get so girlie?
And how come they want a Barbie?
Why does it start so early?
Daughters of feminists just want to play with their toys!
@feminist @child
Copyright Nancy White
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